



 一 朝毎に我が黒髪ややはり燃ゆ傘寿近くも青春の気ぞ

 二 このところ「原受肉」のぞ発想や日に日を追ひて燃え上がるごと

 三 地上にて如何に争ひ激しとも原受肉はや大地貫徹

 四 朝夢に英文稿や歌の如すすみゆくなり心楽しも

 五 何故に恩師バルトにイエスのや縛り巡りて抵抗せるや
① Why did Takizawa contend with Barth on the issue of the commitment with Jesus?

 六 洗礼を巡りてバルト滝沢にイエス忠誠げせぬ如くぞ
   (備考:S・ヘネッケ、A・フェーネマンス編 寺園喜基訳『カール・バルト=滝沢克己往復書簡:1934-1968』東京・新疆出版社、2014年、163-167頁、参照)
② When it comes to the issue of Takizawa’s baptism, Barth was not totally convinced.

 七 己が地歩インマヌエルの原事実ここで確保や生涯の道
③ Takizawa was personally based on his conviction of the Proto-factum Immanuel all through his career.

 八 かくてぞやハイデルベルク・アドレスに神人学の道露わ
④ Thus his final stance is clearly put forward in his Heidelberg Address on the Pure The-anthropology.

 九 然れども原事実の観点や「太初のロゴス」「神共」でなし
⑤ However, Takizawa’s standpoint of the Proto-factum was based on the Logos who was in the beginning, but not on the Logos who was with God (pros ton theon). See John 1:1a and b.

 十 「神共」の「太初」へのや〈原受肉〉我が発想に万事一変
⑥ This whole landscape of Takizawa has utterly changed since my theology of the Proto-incarnation has appeared in reference to the appearance of the Logos pros ton theon in the midst of the Logos who was in the beginning.

 十一 原事実「原受肉」をば孕みてや偶有しかと神溢る
⑦ The Proto-factum is pregnant with the Proto-incarnation in such a way that the contingent status of being is shot through with God’s love for the world marvelously.

 十二 神愛やイエス「神国」告知すや原事実との対立やなし
⑧ With the appearance of Jesus’ proclamation of the Kingdom of God there is no antagonism between Jesus and the Proto-factum pregnant with the Proto-incarnation.

 十三 父よりぞ御友一切聴きてこそ「友よ」と告ぐや難問解消
⑨ Since the Great Friend has heard everything from his Father and has made known to “his friends” all riddles disappeared.

 十四 十字架上御友「何ぞ」と叫びつつ底と飛翔す父容れたまふ
⑩ When the Great Friend cried on the cross, saying “Why me?,” he flew with the bottomless bottom, meaning the Proto-incarnation, and his Father accepted.

 十五 原受肉御友神学而してや終末受容なりて福音
   (備考:福音の全容これぞ:”For ① God so loved the world that ② he gave his only Son, ③ so that everyone who believed in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” (John 3: 16)

 十六 原受肉なくば滝沢原事実永久にイエスと矛盾なり

 十七 恩師そも「神共ロゴス」見もせずに「太初ロゴス」一切とせり

 十八 「神共」や「太初」溢れつ此処にぞや原受肉なり一切癒す






