



 一 この国と地球の将来思ふとき御友神学げに尊しや
 二 空爆もテロも人をぞ救はずやガリラヤの友愛語切々
   (備考:ホ氏言ヘリ:"The history of theistic philosophy exhibits various stages of combination of these three diverse ways of entertaining the problem [i.e., the divine Caesars/Mahometanism, the Hebrew prophets, and Aristotle]. There is, however, in the Galilean origin of Christianiity yet another suggestion which does not fit very well with any of the three main strands of thought. It does not emphasize the ruling Caesar, or the ruthless moralist, or the unmoved mover. It dwells upon the tender elements in the world, which slowly and in quietness operates by love; and it finds purpose in the present immediacy of a kingdom not of this world. Love neither rules, nor is it moved; also it is a little oblivious as to morals. It does not look to the future; for it finds its own reward in the immediate present. “ [PR, 243])
 三 御友はや父より聴きしなべてぞや示して「友よ」告げ給ひけり
 四 御友はや神学びなし告げ給ふ優しきやげに友とぞやこそ
 五 人如何に悲惨なるとも裏からぞ神共にます見れば微笑ぞ
 六 我妻や絶後笑み増し不思議やも深き低みの底ぞ飛翔す
 七 御友はや人滅しても共往くや我が歓喜妻笑み示す如
   (備考:ホ氏も言ふ:"We perish and are immortal.” [PR, 351, 82]この”and”私見によれば御友なり)
 八 御友はや在すや何処一々の倶現のまことげにも御姿
   (備考:「もの」の成る原初の姿をばホ氏"concrescence"[becoming actual; growing together=倶現;合生]と言へり)
 九 木を割くや其処に在すは御友なり古代エジプトパピルス語る
 十 炊くほどは風が持てくる落ち葉かな良寛御友見しや歴々

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