






   我らはぞ宇宙なるもの今生に限りて知るも滅して不滅(備考:宇宙今生よりも奥深きリアリティなり。その本質ホワイトヘッドの言ひし如く、滅して不滅:”We perish and are immortal.”[PR=Process and Reality=, 351, 82]なり。”In thie way, the insistent craving is justified—the insistent craving that zest for existence be refreshed by the ever-present, unfading importance fo our immediate actions, which perish and yet live for evermore.” [PR, 351]; “The creature perishes and is immortal.” [PR, 82]この消息をば良寛詠ひたり:焚くほどは風がもて来る落ち葉かな。拙著『宇宙時代の良寛・再説――ホワイトヘッド風神学と共に』新潟・考古堂書店、2014年、7頁参照。ホ氏と良寛の哲学的照応関係我そこに論じたり。焚くは今生の行為なり。されどただ「風がもて来る」不滅ありてのことなりと知るべし。良寛不滅の哲学者なりし、復活の智慧者なりし。米国の宇宙量子学者ブライアン・スウィム(Brian Swimme)この消息ば"all-nourishing abyss"「一切を育成する深淵」と名付けたり。"I use 'all-nourishing abyss' as a way of pointing to this mystery at the base of being. One advantage of this designation is its dual emphasis: the universe's generative potentiality is indicated with the phrase 'all-nourishing,' but the universe's power of infinite absorption is indicated with 'abyss.'/ The universe emerges out of all-nourishing abyss not only fifteen billion years ago but in every morning. Each instant protons and antiprotons are flashing out of, and are as suddenly abosorbed back into, all-nourishing abyss. All-nourishng abyss then is not a thing, nor a collection of things, nor even, strictly speaking, a physical place, but rather a power that gives birth and that absorbs exisence at a thing’s annihilation./ The foundational reality of the universe is this unseen ocean of potentiality. If all the individual things of the universe were to evaporate, one would be left with an infinity of pure generative power./ Each particular thing is directly, and essentially, grounded in all-nourishing abyss.”Brian Swimme, The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos: Humanity and the New Story, Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1996, p. 100. )

   ホ氏宇宙冒険なりと観じたり先にはパウロ復活信ず(備考:”This feeling requires for its understanding that we supplement the notion of the Eros [or the Primordial Nature of God] by including it in the concept of an Adventure in the Universe as One. This Adventure embraces all particular occasions but as an actual fact stands beyond any one of them.” [AI=Adventures of Ideas=, 295] 「さて、キリストは死人の中からよみがえったのだと宣べ伝えられているのに、あなたがたの中のある者が、死人の復活などはないと言っているのは、どうしたことか。もし死人の復活がないならば、キリストもよみがえらなかったであろう。もしキリストがよみがえらなかったとしたら、わたしたちの宣教はむなしく、あなたがたの信仰もまた虚しい。」第一コリント書15章12−14節、熟読参照)

(備考:宇宙はぞ此岸と彼岸の間に宇宙の中心基督立ち給ふ実在なり。此岸=今生=のみに非ず。シャルダン言へり:「宇宙は中心ある実在なり:The Universe is centred—Evolutively {Above/ Ahead; 基督その中心なり:Christ is its Centre. See Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Future of Man, New York: Harper & Row, 1964.)


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