





 一 早朝や拙稿ジャンル書き留めしBiblical Process Metaphysics

 二 友Herman拙稿読むに友裕助言得しとや歓喜連綿

 三 ProtoとやPrimordialとぞ聴きし友「宇宙事実や御友神」とぞ
   (備考:Herman Greeneとの往復メール、我がジャンル案のあとになり、August 3, 2017付けなり:
1. Dr. Cobb, Colleagues, and Friends,
Please find attached my essay "The Proto-factum Immanuel by Takizawa, My New Idea of the Proto-incarnation, and Whitehead’s Notion of God As Being ‘in’ the World: Within the Context of Divine Ecozoics toward a Theology of the Great Friend.”—re-revised draft

I added “To sum up” finally:

To sum up: I have been trying to demonstrate in this essay what I might call a Biblical Process Metaphysics with the Proto-incarnation working at its core. There are four important points in it:
First, peculiar to my Biblical Process Metaphysics is the locus theologicus of Jesus as the Great Friend who partakes of what Whitehead calls “the creative process” which, in my case, is nothing other than the Proto-incarnation.
Second, my discovery of the Proto-incarnation as that which permeates the Proto-factum Immanuel by Takizawa is at the core of Divine Process.
Third, Divine Process is necessarily partaken by Jesus as the Great Friend, as is manifested by his proclamation of the “kingdom of God” as the two-dimensional reality.
Four, at the present stage of New Testament scholarship we need to break through the level of Narrative Theology in order to come up with what I call a “Biblical process metaphysics.” The so-called Narrative Theology knows only one level of theologizing in the New Testament, that is, the Incarnation. The Incarnation is, in reality, partaking of the Proto-incarnation which is the creative process. We have to keep in mind the two-dimensional reality, as Jesus admonishes in Matt. 6: 33: “But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness [i.e., the participation in it], and all these things will be given to you as well.”
2. Toki,
I have read half of your essay and intend to finish. For awhile I couldn’t make sense of it because I didn’t know what you meant by “proto.”
I had a conversation with Yutaka on Saturday at the airport and he explained it meant “primordial.” This really opened up your article for me.
I am meditation on the thought that God is the Great Friend, as Immanuel, is the primordial fact of the universe.
3. Dear Herman,
Thank you very much for your kind effort to read my essay. That’s right. As Yutaka says, by “proto” I mean the Primordial Love of God for the world as it is incarnate within the Proto-factum Immanuel day by day, moment by moment—namely, as the creative process. So saying I am very much moved/
This morning I added my final remarks to the essay in reference to its genre. It’s about a Biblical process metaphysics. We need to go beyond and above the level of the so-called Narrative Theology.

 四 リスボンよりフランクフルト着きしよりトイレで和み眼鏡忘れぬ

 五 その事に気が付きしはや羽田もや近き頃合如何にもならず

 六 眼鏡なく見始めし時驚きぬ白内障の手術霊験

昨日は、延原先生の今日の歌にあるように最新英文稿の推敲された論稿を私にもお送りいただき、早速プリントアップして22枚・・英語も正確には読めもしないのに、しっかりとながめまわして?! 真夏の読書には最適です!


